How I Got Interested In AI for Content Writers

James Clark
1 min readJan 11, 2023

I wouldn’t call myself an expert in AI tools, or platforms, but I am an expert in bending, blending, and breaking things.

I have spent the past few months reading and learning about AI content platforms. And I have probably spent 80 hours looking at best practices for leveraging AI, resulting in getting simultaneously excited and freaked out about its potential.

Here’s how I first got interested in AI:

I was messing around with ChatGPT as it applies to our Room to Think process for campaign ideation and content creation. We have a process called Spark and Spill Sessions to create what we call idea blobs. I took some of these loosely assembled blobs and drop them into ChatGPT. The answers, angles, and outputs returned were thought-provoking — to say the least.

So my goal over the next 60 days is:

To engrain AI into our ideation process. Success with AI still requires taking well-formulated and constructed insights from talking to customers, dropping them into an AI content generator, and then molding and crafting those outputs with a unique brand voice, redirected at our category POV. I’ll be psyched to share our process and systems with everyone.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



James Clark

CEO + Founder | Marketing Philosopher | Author | Idea Smuggler | Strategist + Harmonizer | Mentor at EforAll | Father | He/Him